المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اكسبيرت Forex Pip Snager

13-08-2010, 07:10 PM
اكسبيرت Forex Pip Snager


Value: $97


Have you ever bought trade after trade all the way down? Then after you finished trading you asked yourself… why was I buying, it was in a down trend? If you have, don’t feel bad… we’ve all done it…

The reason why traders lose most of the time is because they’re buying when they should be selling, or they’re selling when they should be buying. The fact is – most traders want to trade against the
trend – resulting in loss, after loss, after loss!!!

So why do we make the same mistakes over and over again? The
reason – Fear! We fear that if we sell in a down trend, we’ll sell at the bottom, and lose! We fear that if we buy in an uptrend, we’ll buy at the top, and lose! So instead, we try and pick the top all the way up, or we try and pick the bottom all the way down – losing trade after trade! Does all this sound familiar? If it does, we feel your frustration, we feel your anxiety, and we feel your anger!

